Lumen LunaeVol.4 Chapter 20
Shounen ai

(From The Manga Obsession)There is a rumor around school about Houjyou Aika giving birth to a child at the age of fifteen, just now returning to school about a year later. Reality is far worse than the gossip. Aika was raped by the demon ruler (Surug

Dragon Kishidan Gaiden: One Day, Another DayVol.1 Chapter 8 : Volume Extras

A collection of Dragon Kishidan oneshots and side stories:One Day, Another DaySet before the end of the series, it's basically a side story of a day in the Dragon Castle, kind of in Zoma's perspective.Juuji ni Hikaru HoshiTakes place before the event

Jintori-GassenChapter 7

From Reverein Scanlations:We all know about school rivalry, but these two schools take it to a whole new level.From the back of volume one:The liberal traditions of Aoinomiya Gakuen and the disciplined traditions of Kaburaya Gakuen. Sharing the same